Submissions to HBO
This includes stuff we have made, things we have pointed out, or just when HBO is has been kind enough to mention our name. Our thanks go to Louis Wu and everyone at HBO, for everything they have done for us. The newest submission is always at the top of the list. Dead Rabbits write up. Halo Origami. Hot Box. We found the HNC on DVD. Once again, we demonstrate our pointing ability. We found a Halo ringtone. B4L (Boxer 4 Life) wallpaper. We made it to the Regionals! Van Gogh Halo. Hey, we know that guy! Bad game mentioned again. Bad game, good price. Pointed out some new rules for the Winter Regionals. We present our HBO AIM theme. Oct POD from OXM captured for HBO. The MC on a unicycle is our latest Misc. Art submission. HBO gives our event, Halomania, a "free plug". 2 smaller versions of CAR are released. A temporary mirror for CAR goes up. Our latest video: CAR, is released. BtR gets another mirror. HBO gives us the heads up. HBO mentions our Tourney Thoughts again. HBO mentions our Tourney Thoughts. We point out yet another GameSpot article. August POD from OXM captured for HBO. We submitted our 2nd piece of Misc. "Art". We give you Porntana! We pointed out another article on GameSpot. We pointed out an article on GameSpot. HBO mentions our NYC Halo LAN Fest write up. We provided 2 videos from the July OXM DVD. We tried to give everyone the heads up on a Halo related eBay auction. We submitted our first wallpaper (Beware of Hunters). We provided the Top Ten Plays video from the June OXM. We mention...umm...this site. We pointed out IGN report about Halo 2. We let everyone know about a custom Halo action figure in Toyfare magazine. We are thanked for trying to submit something (Demo Disc). Double Jumping and Who is Shooting? videos added to the Gameplay Tricks section. We created some custom action figures. Some more mirrors for BtR. BtR gets some new mirrors. We give you: "Breaking The Rules", our first video. We give you our first submissions, which included the 2 icons from the flags in multiplayer.