Note: These are only the modes that we usually play in mutliplayer. We don't play Rally, Race, or Oddball normally. We play every mode with Radar OFF (except for KOTH), WITHOUT Nav. Points, Ally Indicators ON, Kill Penalty OFF, ALL vehicles set(execpt for CTF with Warthogs only), Death Bonus ON, Suicide Penalty set to 10 secs (unless otherwise noted), Respawn set to Instant (unless otherwise noted), Weapons set to Normal (unless otherwise noted), and Starting Equipment set to Custom (unless otherwise noted). For CTF the flag MUST be home to score and the flag can be returned by walking over it (no Iron for us). These are the basic settings we use for every mode. If a mode requires anything out of the ordinary it will be listed beside the decription, otherwise any other setting like Invisible Players (and others) are left to the default (which would be off in the case of Invisible Players).