Second Qualifying Tournament for the iGames Winter Season
 After failing to qualify in the first tournament, we hoped the second would go a little better. Radar on, Nav Points, and 10 second respawn on Derelict isn't exactly our favorite setting. We played well this time, but failed to qualify yet again.
Trouble started a few days before the actual tournament which occured on 12/14/02 at the same place (Kings Games) as the first round. We were not sure if one of our members would be able to attend the tournament. sLiPnOt had to take a fireman's test eariler in the day, and we were not sure if he would be done it time to play.
We arrived late (around 3pm) but after clearing some things up, we were allowed to particpate. Good thing we emailed them before hand and told them that we would probably be late. Immediatley, we were to start our first match against the Gods of Hell, who had crushed everyone else so far (no one had scored over a minute on them).
We were told this by Miguel Chavez of Team HBO who had particpated and gone on to finish in 2nd place. Unfortunately were not able to view their match, but we are glad to hear they did well and wish them luck in the Regionals.
Our first game went well for about the first 2 minutes (the score was tied at some point), but after that the Gods of Hell went on to take the lead and win the game 5:00 - 3:30 (approx). After a short break, the second match began. We lost that match
5:00 - 2:53.
We had a strategy of our own, but it was kind of hard to execute with the constant barrage of rocket fire. We figure that someone on there team had to have been the desginated "rocket guy" (aka rocket whore), because they constantly had the RL. It was annoying, but it worked, and they won the games.
Team Overkill will be attending the third qualifying round and I seriously hope I have something better to write after that one. With attitudes changing and a lack of play time and training; we seriously need to shape up. The rules aren't the greatest for the third qualifier, but we better win...we have to win.
To check out some pictures from a similar day: