The OvK Clan
ONE FORCE vs. .........


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ONE FORCE vs. .........

     This was our second event against ONE FORCE and occured on 11/29/02. LOGAN, DmAN, and sLiPnOt attended the event at Brian's (of ONE FORCE) house. BadAzZ was not able to make it for OvK, and Quack Quack was not able to make it for 1FRC.
     I won't go into detail here, but if you visit 1FRC's chapter, you can find out details of almost all the matches played. One match they didn't mention, was a game they called Invasion. Basically it was an Assault match with both teams having to bring the flag to the opposite's, but at the same time. It was pretty decent game type, but we think Iron rules for the flag would probably have made it better.
     Unforutantely, sLiPnOt forgot to bring his camera, so we don't have any pictures for you. It should be noted, that they had a really cool setup, with one team in one room and the other team in a different room. Overall, it was fun night with a variety of match types played. Thanks go out to 1FRC for inviting us.

Check out ONE FORCE's write up of the day for more details, including scores for most games. Their write up is also mentioned on

Plugs given prior to the event were provided by