When we came back to the hotel, sLiPnOt, LOGAN and BadAzZ all decided to go in the pool even though it had just rained and it was only like 65 out. The water was insanely cold and we didn't stay in long. After we were done, everyone hung their towels on the rail of the balcony, except for LOGAN who hung his bathing suit as well.
At that point, we all went to eat in the City Cafe Diner. When we came back all the towels were laying on the balcony floor, but LOGAN couldn't find his bathing suit.
 Yep...it was on the roof!  Hmm...  Time to get security.  LOGAN stretches as he waits for security to escort him down.  They didn't even make him sign any papers to do this.  VICTORY!
Later that night, we took notice of our quality ceiling.  Not crack...ceiling!  sLiPnOt had to perform a little "modification" so that the TV could be used for some practice.  We were trying to get some sleep, when we were woken up by this.  Done with this page? Click here: